Robert Emmet CDP: Empowering Dublin's SWIC Communities since 2003

Empowering communities: Austin Campbell, Robert Emmet CDP

Founded in 2003, Robert Emmet Community Development Project (RECDP) is based in Dublin’s South West Inner City, working at the grass roots with the community living in the area. Austin - RECDP Executive Director - on camera for the #cityofcare explains his vision to empower people to be involved in decision-making and in shaping their own future: "if you're a community development project, that's how you develop a community. You don't develop a community just by providing charitable services, although they're really important to meet immediate need... we involve people in political processes so they feel comfortable with the conversations, and then they're able to input into the future of the area".

I love social enterprises: Austin Campbell, Robert Emmet CDP

“What I love… I love social enterprises, because they are so tangible and really works. Through social enterprises we can create opportunities for employment and education and move people beyond that kind of charitable stuff that most CDPs would have done traditionally”. Austin - RECDP Executive Director -tells for the #cityofcare his long-term vision for a prosperous and caring community development policy focused on investment in social infrastructure and lifelong care.